The next time you view the list of extensions, you’ll see a small cogwheel in each one. It only takes a few seconds to install and it will require you to do a reload (click the Reload Required button). Click the bottom icon in the list on the left then, in the Search extensions in Marketplace, type “ Python.” The first result is the Microsoft authored extension just click the install button. Having installed Visual Studio Code on your given platform, the first thing you should do is switch to the extensions tab. Let’s start off by exploring how Visual Studio Code intersects with Python development. One of Visual Studio Code’s strengths is its extensibility there are currently 17,314 extensions available, with a whopping 265 just for Python alone! Those fall into various categories and if you’re still not satisfied, you can create your own extensions. (I rate it as the best IDE on Linux, which is somewhat ironic given Microsoft’s past stormy relationship with open-source software).
Four years ago, Microsoft released an open-source cross-platform IDE called Visual Studio Code that became very popular.